Welcome to Music!
Welcome to the Codidact site for Music! We're glad you're here and we're excited to see what you will build. This community is starting "from scratch", without importing Q&A from other sites, so your community can set its own direction.[1]
We've set up two categories, Q&A ("main") and Meta. Use meta to discuss site policies, scope, customizations, and other matters. You can report bugs and ask for support here, too. Some initial scope discussion happened in the community proposal on Codidact Meta; please use this meta category to continue and refine those discussions.
Some things can be customized; please tell us what you want:
Category descriptions (what you see at the top of the list of posts). Markdown is permitted.
Community description, for use on codidact.com. See the others there for models.
Posting guidance, for each category. What should show up in that box of tips at the top when someone clicks "post"? Markdown is permitted.
About the missing logo: that's temporary. We didn't want to block the launch for lack of art, but something will be coming. Sorry about the inconvenience, but we thought you'd prefer to have something now.
If you already have an account on another Codidact community, click "sign in" and use the same email address and password -- you're already in the system and don't need to create a new account. If you're new to Codidact, click "sign up" to create an account for yourself.
We are still developing the platform on which this site runs. We'll continue to add features, fix bugs, and respond to user feedback. This means some things will change (mostly things will be added), but the core -- a community built around people working together to ask and answer questions -- will not change. You can read more about the vision for the platform and the features for the first full release.
If you see something that needs attention, please flag it. If you run into problems or have questions, post here on meta. There is a reputation number, but your abilities, the things you have permission to do, are based on your activity, not that number. You can learn more about abilities in the help.
We don't have on-site chat yet, but there is a Discord server for Codidact communities. Pop into the "access-management" channel and check off the communities you want to see chat rooms for. (This is so you don't have to wade through rooms for communities you're not interested in every time you visit.)
Welcome aboard!
If you decide later that you would like to import any specific Q&A from SE, we can help you with that. ↩︎
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