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Activity for DonielF‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #284416 If you stand far enough away from anyone else, the mask is completely unnecessary.
over 3 years ago
Edit Post #280809 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Answer A: Ought laypeople be able to imagine a tone row's transformations in their head, without hearing or playing them?
I doubt this is something the average person can do. In my experience, most people can recognize a scale as being major or minor; people with some music background can tell you the relative major to a minor scale or vice versa; and people with a bit more music background may be able to spit out the s...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280808 Theoretically speaking, if the concern is that we'll end up with too many of these types of questions, we _could_ add an "analysis" category.
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280808 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Are questions about analyzing a composition allowed?
Consider a piece of music that one is trying to analyze (let's say chord progressions), but he is struggling with doing so. He can tell that the section works, but he can't tell how. Would a question to the effect of "can someone help me analyze the music theory behind this section of this song" b...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280418 Where in the 21:35-long video is this specific scale addressed, for viewers who don't have that much time to spare?
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280414 @Quintec Admittedly MusixTex is fairly obtuse. If the design team pursues that avenue of approach, I would recommend simplifying some of the commands, similar to how MathJax simplifies many of the base LaTeX commands.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280414 @Lundin _I_ certainly could; not everyone has access to music transcription software or is able to legibly handwrite sheet music.
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280414 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Request: Drawing out music?
For obvious reasons, it would be helpful to be able to write out sheet music in our posts. There's already the MathJax plugin used on other Codidact sites, and TeX has a plugin called MusixTex which allows using the Tex software to write sheet music. Is there a way to combine these two to allow ea...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280410 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question "Properly" naming rotations of unusual scales?
Consider the following musical scale, with a root of A: >A — B — C — D — E — F — G# — A This is, quite clearly, A Harmonic Minor. Let me rewrite the above scale in terms of tone (step) differences: >W — H — W — W — H — A — H where A refers to an augmented second, or three half-tones. ...
about 4 years ago